Fios Genomics
Fios Genomics provide a wide range of bioinformatics analysis services to pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies, CROs and academia, supporting drug discovery and development and applied research across all species. We focus on quality, excellent
customer service and a commitment to jargon-free bioinformatics service provision across all data platforms for all aspects of life sciences.
Using the best-in-class tools and methods, Fios provide a functional and interactive reporting architecture, allowing scientists to fully explore their data. We can analyse ‘omics data in combination with other outputs from experiments or trials such as imaging data and
clinical information. This helps to build up the data picture while ensuring that a robust analysis is delivered.
Our team is a combined resource of in-house bioinformaticians, statisticians and biologists working together to analyse and interpret high-volume, high-dimension data including those generated with:
· next generation sequencing,
· microarrays,
· proteomic, metabolomic & lipidomic platforms