Gyros Protein Technologies
Gyros Protein Technologies provides enabling bioanalytical solutions helping scientists increase biomolecule performance and productivity in pre-clinical/clinical development, and bioprocess applications. For bioanalysis, the nanoliter-scale Gyrolab® immunoassay platforms (Gyrolab xPand, Gyrolab xPlore™) and Gyrolab immunoassay Kits (Gyrolab p24 Kit, Gyrolab AAV9 Titer Kit, Gyrolab AAVX Titer Kit [serotypes 1-8 and 10]), and Solutions for HEK 293 HCP and endonuclease impurities are used by scientists in leading pharmaceutical, biotech and CRO/CMO companies in the development and manufacturing of biotherapies including cell and gene therapies. Gyrolab immunoassays provide key workflow advantages of speed, automation, and low sample and reagent usage with a wide dynamic range in applications including PK/PD, immunogenicity, and analysis of bioprocess-related impurities. Gyros Protein Technologies is part of the Biopharmaceutical Division of Mesa Laboratories, Inc.