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Polytheragene (PTG) is developing specific know-how in the synthesis of polymers for the transfer of nucleic acids (DNA & mRNA) and small hydrophobic biomolecules. PTG1-plus is a GMP certified polymer allowing high efficiency for the bioproduction of recombinant proteins and viruses obtained from the transient transfection of HEK293 and CHO-S cells. A protocol has been adapted for the bioproduction of AAV and Lentivirus on an industrial scale in bioreactors of 200 to 400 Liters. PTG1-plus provides a high number and high percentage (66%) of full viruses with a reduced amount of DNA. Other polymers provide highly efficient mRNA transfections from different mammalian cell types. PTG2 polymers improve DNA transfection of skeletal muscles and solubilization of very hydrophobic biomolecules.

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