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Education Session

The Education Session introduces topics and themes which will be explored in further detail during the main Congress. Any delegates who are registered for the Congress are welcome to attend.

Tuesday 22 October

08:30-09:00 | Registration Foyer

09:00-10:45 | Meeting Room 1

Education 1a: Delivery Tools – from first generation vectors to advanced biological nanoparticles


09:00-09:05 Hildegard Büning, Hannover Medical School 


09:05-09:30  EDU01: Luk Vandenberghe, The Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT
Non-integrating viral vectors (AAV and AdV)


09:30-09:55  EDU02: Anne Galy, ART-TG – Inserm US35
Integrating viral vectors (gamma retroviral vectors, lentiviral vectors, etc)


09:55-10:20  EDU03: Dan Peer, University of Tel Aviv
Non-viral vectors (LNP technology)

10:20- 10-45  EDU04: Els Verhoeyen, EVIR, INSERM U758, Lyon; C3M, INSERM U1065, Nice
Strategies for tailoring vectors into cell type selective biological nanoparticles

09:00-10:45 | Meeting Room 2
Session 1b: Gene Therapy for Monogenic Diseases: Concepts – Applications – Challenges and possible solutions


09:00-09:05 Ivana Trapani, Tigem Naples

Welcome and chairs

09:05-09:30  EDU05: Claire Booth, University College London

Ex vivo gene therapy strategies – focus on PID

09:30-09:55  EDU06: Maria Ester Bernardo, SR-Tiget, Milan

​Ex vivo gene therapy strategies – focus on lysosomal storage diseases


09:55-10:20  EDU07: Nathalie Cartier, AskBio, Paris
In vivo gene therapy strategies – focus on CNS

10:20-10:45  EDU08: Thierry VandenDriesche, VUB, Brussels
In vivo gene therapy strategies – focus on muscle


10:45-11:15 | Registration Foyer / Forum

Coffee Break

11:15-12:55 | Meeting Room 1

Session 2a: Genome Editing and beyond

​Chair: HIldegard Büning


11:15-11:40  EDU09: Julian Grünewald, TUM, Munich

Genome Editing – basic insights


​11:40-12:05  EDU10: Angelo Lombardo, SR-Tiget, Milan

​Next generation genome editing strategies and tools


12:05-12:30  EDU11: Matthew PorteusStanford University
Challenges and Promises in Genome Editing – insights from pre-clinical and clinical applications


12:30-12:55  EDU12: Axel SchambachHannover Medical School

Gene addition vs Genome Editing – pros and cons

11:15-12:30 | Meeting Room 2

Session 2b: Cancer – novel therapy concepts fighting an old foe

​Chair: Anne Galy


11:15-11:40  EDU13: Vincenzo Cerullo, University of Helsinki

​Oncolytic virus, as it is now!


11:40-12:05  EDU014: Eliana Ruggiero, Universita Via-Salute San Raffaele, Milan

​CAR T cells, rTCR T cells and beyond


12:05-12:30  EDU015: Bernhard Gentner, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Lausanne

​Novel targets in cancer gene therapy

12:30-13:00 | Meeting Room 2

Session 2c: From preclinical development to clinics – the long path to translation

​Chair: Anne Galy


12:30-13:00  EDU16: Amit Nathwani, University College London

​From preclinical development to clinics – the long path to translation


13:00-14:00 | Forum and Registration Foyer


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