We are SGS - the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. SGS boasts a wealth of global health science expertise, supporting you every step of the way as you deliver first-class, fully compliant biopharmaceutical, pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices.
SGS Health Science has one core mission: improving patient health by safeguarding the quality and efficacy of medicines. Our first-class facilities and ongoing commitment to quality helps organizations build a healthier future. With over 35 years’ experience SGS offers an integrated CRO network of biopharmaceutical development and testing solutions to ensure compliance whilst accelerating drug development timelines.
SGS Glasgow is the global centre of excellence for Biosafety. We help clients satisfy regulatory requirements through a comprehensive range of biosafety services such as: virology, cell and molecular biology, microbiology and electron microscopy. The Biosafety services we provide demonstrate to health authorities that the biologics manufacturing is free of potential contaminants.