Scantox is a leading preclinical GLP-accredited CRO, specialized in providing services within the drug development process. The business is divided into the 4 divisions: Discovery, Genetic Toxicology, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Development & Analytical. Based on decades of experience, Scantox is a trusted partner for CRO services for the pharmaceutical and medical devices industries. Services enable clients to progress their drug or device development based on solid data to the highest technical and scientific standards.
Scantox Group is headquartered in Denmark, with subsidiaries in UK, Austria, Denmark and Sweden (Lund, Gothenburg and Solna). The Scantox team is passionate about the common vision to improve the health of people, and all processes are rooted in dedication and guided by a strong sense of purpose. Founded in 1977, Scantox is today owned by the Nordic based investment company Impilo. Certified as a 2023 Great Place To Workâ„¢.